This isn’t our main tip here but an important thing of note is to not hire too many people too fast as this will cost plenty of money in the end. In Game Dev Tycoon, once you reach office status, you can go and hire some employees for your business to make things easier and take some extra weight off your shoulders. You’ll need to pay in order to develop the game on platforms but it’s still much cheaper than the license which can go over $500,000.

The good thing is that the developer license is a one-time payment. Just make sure you’re comfortable enough with the amount of money you have before pushing forward. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t develop games for the more expensive platforms.
The market share for PC will fluctuate a bit but you can still get a solid revenue stream coming in if your game does well enough. Sticking with PC allows you to save more money as it’s always there. Don’t get tempted to jump in on the hottest thing if you don’t feel comfortable, as the price to purchase a developing license for these can be high.

Time will move along fast in the game which means these systems will release in a hurry.

Classic systems like the Dreamcast and NES also are in. Each of these are all based on real-world platforms such as iPhone, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii among others. New gaming platforms (including mobile hey, hey, that’s us!) will come out regularly as you progress in Game Dev Tycoon.